Puissance: 12 * 1W tubes
Supports: noir
Couleurs: rouge, bleu, ambre, blanc ou fendu
Patterns: 35 modèles
Matériaux: PC
Lens: PC
Autres: étanche
1: Red Wire for Positive, Blue Wire for Positive ON/OFF 2
2: Yellow Wire for flash pattern changer/Syn
3: Black Wire for Negative,Ground
4:The Red Or Blue wire to Positive and the black wire to negative, Blue wire over rides Red Wire
5: Momentarily connect the Yellow wire to the Positive to sycle through the 35 flash patterns
6:Connect the yellow wire to Positive more than 3 seconds to sycle through master or Slave mode. If time more than 6 seconds, the flash pattern will be reset to flash 1 pattern. Note: Master mode Color 1 Bright,Slave model Color 2 Bright
7: Sync or Alternate: check each lighthead in the same flash pattern,connected the same color wires together.Activate the lighthead that in the same flash pattern,lightheads are synchronization,in same mode lightheads are alternate in different mode(Master&Master,Slave&Slave in sync)(Master&Slave in Alternate)
LED Gyrophare/Feux de pénétration LED/LED Rampes Lumineuses/Feux de ambulance/Feux de pare-brise LED/ Feux de pare-brise LED/BARRES D'ÉCLAIRAGE DEL
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